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Raising Playful Tots: Melitsa Avila Show 165…


Each week I cajole and tempt an unsuspecting, hugely fascinating person to join me for part of the show, I offer them social media exposure and they come willingly to talk about aspects of family life, which usually relate to homeschooling and always speak straight to the heart of parents who place the responsibility of child rearing above their highest joy.   As my guest today I’ve managed to snag a fellow Brit.  Melitsa Avila who has had her own podcast for years, just like me, filled with ideas on what to do with your tots under five!   I’m also going to be talking about what I did with my children when they were all young, the benefit of television and the stabilising effect routines had on our unique household, many still carried over into independent lives today.  I’m drinking Keurig coffee, I love that machine even though it is a little more expensive than the cafetiere and eating a piece of home made cake.  Let’s get going!

I will be live at 12pm Texas time and 6pm London time so click on the link below and you’ll hear me in a bit!